End of Lease Cleaning

  • End of Lease Cleaning Services | Comprehensive Move-Out Cleaning

    Ensure your property is move-out ready with Kevlins’ comprehensive end-of-lease cleaning services. We understand the importance of leaving a spotless space for landlords and tenants, covering every detail to meet inspection standards. From deep cleaning carpets and upholstery to sanitising kitchens and bathrooms, our team ensures a smooth transition for new occupants while maximising the property’s value.

    Our Services Include:
    Thorough room and surface cleaning
    Carpet, floor, and upholstery deep cleaning
    Kitchen appliance detailing
    Bathroom sanitation
    Dusting, vacuuming, and mopping
    Exterior window and balcony cleaning
    Trash and debris removal

    Contact us today to leave your property in pristine condition for its next chapter

FAQs: Simplifying Your Cleaning Experience with Kevlins

How can I get a quote?

Simply visit the get a quote page to receive a cleaning services quote. Once you have provided us information on your needs, we will be in contact within 24 hours.

How can I schedule services?

We are one call or email away! You can request an estimate for commercial cleaning or residential cleaning services here or call us at +1300 298 145.

What times do you clean?

We can clean at whatever time you require, we are fully flexible in terms of times and days. We fit our service around your needs.

Are we issued with a cleaning contract?

You will be issued with an agreement, however unlike our competitors we will not tie you into a long or fixed term contract, so you can cancel the agreement at any time. Our clients stay with us because they want to, not because they have to.

What if I’m not happy with my cleaning?

Please get in touch with us right away and we’ll make arrangements to rectify the situation. We have a satisfaction guarantee that we stand by.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

No. We offer flexible one-time services, periodic cleanings and/or regular, ongoing maintenance services. The choice is yours!

Do you have a cancellation policy?

We strive to maintain long-term relationships, but we understand there may be certain circumstances where that is not possible. In such cases, a customer may elect to cancel their services with 30 days written notice for any cause and without penalty.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Kevlins guarantees your satisfaction with our nationwide cleaning services.

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It's all about matching you with the perfect cleaner. Scheduling is flexible. Cancel or reschedule anytime.

We will confirm your service request within 24 hours. Thank you very much!